Do you have 50 tabs open in your brain at any given time?
  • Overwhelm
  • Lack of Focus
  • Always Being Late
  • Not Having Enough Hours in the Day
  • Finding Your Stuff​​​​​
The struggle is real, especially if you have ADHD or another executive function challenge.
But you're not alone.
My clients are super smart, creative, and talented but sometimes they get distracted or get in their own way, often because they have a differently wired brain.
My mission is to help you focus – one tab at a time.
This Is Not for You If
This Is For You If
  • You're not working.
  • You want to stay where you are and are not ready to make changes in your work and life.
  • You won't benefit from community support and massive accountability.
  • You're looking for therapy (Group Coaching is not a replacement for therapy)
  • You want to increase your business.
  • You're working and want help with finding that elusive creature called work-life balance.
  • You are motivated to be in a supportive community with massive accountability.
  • You're open to trying new ways of running your business and your life.
Massive Accountability
Get Things Done
Our small group Productivity Power Hour means you have a safe place to land. We meet three times each week. In that hour, we co-work so you can stay on track to meet your bigger goals. 
We use a Coaching app to ensure you have the accountability you need.
We offer daily prompts customized to your goals and also post occasional educational content.
Monthly Planning
You've Got Questions
The first week of each month, we have a group planning session where we set our 3 big goals for the next 90 days.
We've got answers. Every month we have a group Q&A coaching session. Stuck? We've got you!
Productivity Quick Start - a 1:1 Coaching session with me to move you on to your path, so that you can get your vision and systems started right out of the gate.
I'm Catherine Avery
When it comes to productivity,  I believe that to be truly productive you need to learn how to be intentionally unproductive. That’s why my 3 part productivity process starts with the power of the pause.

A former queen of clutter, recovering Type A Wall Streeter, and cancer survivor/thriver, I was diagnosed with ADHD later in life. But I suspected for years.

Now as an ADHD & Productivity Coach, I coach my clients through proven strategies that help them master their time, space and information so they can be more productive, more profitable, and have more time to spend doing the things they love.

I like to think of myself as a bit of a bad*ss.

Hey I learned how to surf at age 53.

I'm happiest on the water - surfing, sailing, kayaking. And I ski to get through the long New England winters. I also enjoy traveling and cooking with my husband and teen daughter. When I'm not on the move (hello ADHD brain), you may find me curled up with  our cat and a favorite book.

Working with Catherine has helped get me through the hurdles of not knowing where to start. 
Sitting in overwhelm for too long, she gave me a window of time to talk through my priorities and come up with a plan of action.
Productivity Power Hour is a must for me. It keeps me accountable and on track to show up for myself and others in the group to say a quick hello and get to work and see each other getting our tasks done.
I usually put on my list all the things I least want to do and I accomplish so many things in just 1 hour, I’m grateful for it!
- Mandy Hanigan

Lack of focus is my big working from home challenge.

It’s the dilly-dallying getting my day started, the digital distractions, a bit of procrastination, …

and you end up with a day that is not as productive as it could or should be.

Catherine is so good at creating a non-judgemental environment and giving eye-opening insights, practical tips, and useful methods to turn a general feeling of “I am so bad at…” into tangible improvements and feeling good about my productivity."

- Tin Geysels
What if I can't make the live calls?
You can submit questions and listen to the recording. And you can ask me questions at any time in our Facebook group. I will answer them throughout the week. You do not need to wait for a live call to receive support, guidance or feedback.
How much time will this require?
As little or as much as you want. Most of our members attend 2-3 Power Hours each week. The weekly videos are 15 minutes max. You can implement any suggestions from the videos during Power Hour.
What is a Productivity Power Hour (PPH)?
Based on the Pomodoro method and recognizing that many of us need accountability to get more done, I created the Productivity Power Hour. We meet at the top of the hour (usually 10am eastern Tuesday-Thursday) and say what project we plan to work on. Then I set a timer for 50 minutes, we mute ourselves, and get to work. When the timer rings, we give each other a virtual high five for our accomplishments or share our struggles. Then we go about the rest of our day knowing we've made forward progress on a goal!
I'm not working now. Is this for me?
We talk a lot about work life balance, so if you're not working this is likely not for you. If you're looking for a new job or considering becoming an entrepreneur we may be able to help.
How does a Coach differ from a Therapist?
Therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing. Therapists explore the past to help patients reduce their symptoms and make behavioral changes in the future.
Coaches focus on the present and the future to empower you to make your own decisions.
What about confidentiality?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Seriously though, I follow the International Coaching Federation’s Code of Ethics, which holds us to the strictest standards of confidentiality. Please find the ICF Code of Ethics form (link to website) here for more details.
Have questions about the Accountability Group that aren't answered here?
You can schedule at time with me - click here.
© Avery Design LLC. All rights reserved.